Each entry in the database will list a data provider, an extract from the terms of use, and the source URL for the terms of use. There is an indication on whether extracts from the data provider can be redistributed by academics as part of replication packages (an important caveat!). When available, there may be separate page with further details.
Search the database for any keyword in any field.
Data provider | Terms of Use | Source URL | Distributable | Further info | Contributed |
IPUMS USA (sample) | You will not redistribute the data without permission. You may publish a subset of the data to meet journal requirements for accessing data related to a particular publication. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
IPUMS CPS | You will not redistribute the data without permission. You may publish a subset of the data to meet journal requirements for accessing data related to a particular publication. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
IPUMS ATUS | You will not redistribute the data without permission. You may publish a subset of the data to meet journal requirements for accessing data related to a particular publication. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
IPUMS AHTUS | You will not redistribute the data without permission. You may publish a subset of the data to meet journal requirements for accessing data related to a particular publication. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
IPUMS MEPS | You will not redistribute the data without permission. You may publish a subset of the data to meet journal requirements for accessing data related to a particular publication. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
IPUMS MTUS | You will not redistribute the data without permission. You may publish a subset of the data to meet journal requirements for accessing data related to a particular publication. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
IPUMS NHGIS | You will not redistribute the data without permission. You may publish a subset of the data to meet journal requirements for accessing data related to a particular publication. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
IPUMS NHIS | You will not redistribute the data without permission. You may publish a subset of the data to meet journal requirements for accessing data related to a particular publication. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
IPUMS USA (Full Count) | You may not redistribute any data from IPUMS USA Full Count data. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms | No | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
IPUMS International | All data extracted from the IPUMS International database are intended solely for the use of the licensee. Under IPUMS International agreements with collaborating agencies, redistribution of the data to third parties is prohibited. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms | No | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
UNCTAD TRAINS | UNCTAD TRAINS database can be used freely by policy makers, researchers and businessesprovided that the data are not put up for sale or otherwise commercially exploited, and that the database is acknowledged as the source (UNCTAD TRAINS database). Users of the database are not allowed to disseminate the data or parts of the database in other dissemination tools unless written permission is given | https://trainsonline.unctad.org/disclaimer | Maybe | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
CEPII-BACI | The Reuser is free to reuse the Information: To reproduce it, copy it. ... To share, disseminate, redistribute, publish and transmit it. | https://www.etalab.gouv.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/open-licence.pdf | Yes | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
Penn World Tables PWT | CC-BY 4.0 | https://doi.org/10.15141/S5Q94M | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
PSID | Not transfer PSID public data that has been downloaded from the website, including user-created data extracts, to any third parties... if you want to share data extracts with others, you must deposit the data extract in the PSID Public Data Extract Repository | https://simba.isr.umich.edu/u/conduse.aspx | Kind of | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
Academic researchers are permitted to distribute an unlimited number of Tweet IDs and/or User IDs if they are doing so on behalf of an academic institution and for the sole purpose of non-commercial research. | https://developer.twitter.com/en/developer-terms/policy#4-e | Partially | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2022-12-09 |
UNSD COMTRADE (via WITS) | Access is free to all user users with a limit of 50,000 rows/download. Unlimited download access is available to Institutional users (Academic institutions, government, inter-government agencies, NGOs) from developing countries on the IDA list, data providers, permanent missions to the United Nations and members of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) and users subscribed to Premium site license with UNSD. These users have to verify themselves in WITS by using the UN COMTRADE key generated .... | https://wits.worldbank.org/wits/wits/witshelp/content/Basics/A4.Databases_Principles.htm | With permission | Lars Vilhuber 2023-01-16 |
UNSD COMTRADE (direct) | ... any copying, automated browsing or downloading, redistribution, publication, or commercial exploitation of any material contained on or otherwise made available to you on United Nations COMTRADE is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of the United Nations. | https://comtrade.un.org/licenseagreement.html | With permission | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2023-06-08 |
UNSD COMTRADE (direct) | ... The license to distribute is not applied, and permission is not required for the following use cases: (5 cases listed, including 'Free-of-charge data extraction and/or streaming application offering only a small number of records (up to 100,000)') | https://uncomtrade.org/docs/policy-on-use-and-re-dissemination/#redissemination | Permission not required in some cases | Yes | Marie Connolly 2024-10-29 |
Zillow | ... You may display and distribute derivative works of the Aggregate Data (e.g., within a graph), only so long as the Zillow Companies are cited as a source on every page where the Aggregate Data are displayed, including Data Provided by Zillow Group. | https://www.zillow.com/z/corp/terms/ | Probably | Lars Vilhuber 2023-01-16 |
World Values Survey | These data files are available without restrictions, provided: a) that they are used for non-profit purposes; b) correct citations are provided and sent to the World Values Survey Association for each publication of results based in part or entirely on these data files; c) the data files themselves are not redistributed; d) proper citation to the WVS data is included into the references list of the publication (citation format available for downloading in the Documentation section). | https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV7.jsp | No | Lars Vilhuber 2023-02-12 |
IPUMS DHS | The authorization process for IPUMS DHS is controlled by The DHS Program.Dataset access is granted solely for research purposes. | https://www.ipums.org/about/terms#dhs | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2023-02-23 |
DHS | Dataset access is only granted for legitimate research purposes. ... re-distribution of any DHS micro-level data, either directly or within any tool/dashboard, is not permitted. | https://dhsprogram.com/data/new-user-registration.cfm | No | Lars Vilhuber 2023-02-23 |
Leip Atlas | Sub-county data can be purchased. Redistribution may be authorized upon request. | https://uselectionatlas.org/BOTTOM/store_data.php | With permission | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2023-03-24 |
OECD | Except where additional restrictions apply as stated above, You can extract from, download, copy, adapt, print, distribute, share and embed Data for any purpose, even for commercial use. You must give appropriate credit to the OECD | https://www.oecd.org/termsandconditions/ | Generally open with exceptions | Yes | Lars Vilhuber 2023-10-08 |
US Government | A work of the United States government ... [is] not entitled to domestic copyright protection. [public domain] | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_status_of_works_by_the_federal_government_of_the_United_States | Yes unless explicitly prohibited | Lars Vilhuber 2025-02-04 |
US State Government | Varies | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_status_of_works_by_subnational_governments_of_the_United_States | Varies | Lars Vilhuber 2025-02-04 |
To download the entire database, click here.