OECD general terms and conditions

From https://www.oecd.org/termsandconditions/ as of 2023-10-08:

The OECD makes data (the “Data”) available for use and consultation by the public. Data may be subject to restrictions beyond the scope of these Terms and Conditions, either because specific terms apply to those Data or because third parties may have ownership interests. It is the User’s responsibility to verify, either directly in the metadata or, if available, by clicking on the icon and then referring to the “source” tab, whether the Data is fully or partially owned by third parties and/or whether additional restrictions may apply, and to contact the owner of the Data before incorporating it in your work in order to secure the necessary permissions. …

General permissions:

Except where additional restrictions apply as stated above, You can extract from, download, copy, adapt, print, distribute, share and embed Data for any purpose, even for commercial use. You must give appropriate credit to the OECD…