
Data and Code Guidance by Data Editors

Guidance for authors wishing to create data and code supplements, and for replicators.

Depositing Data for the Greater Good

On this page:

Sometimes, it is worthwhile to not convolute a particular useful dataset within a replication package. Pulling it out, depositing it in its own right, is easy, and yields much greater findability through search engines such as ICPSR or Google Dataset Search.

The approach is relatively simple.

Choose a repository

Choose any one of the open trusted repositories (see our document on data and code hosting. You want to maximize findability, but also credit.


Deposit the data and fill out metadata

Going an additional extra mile

If the chosen repository allows to do this, add your own publication (which uses and/or documents the data) as a related publication.

Hit publish. Get DOI.

Cite DOI

Cite the data (via the DOI) in your article (Author, 2020: Historical Widget data for the United States, https://doi.org/1.2/3….)